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How to install the Google Web Fonts Lexend and Kalam

Get the best experience from our resources by installing the Google Web Fonts Lexend and Kalam

Our resources, such as our slide decks and worksheets, use Google Web Fonts called Lexend and Kalam. These are accessible fonts which we have chosen to make sure everyone has the same great experience when using our resources.

They are free of charge and can be easily installed on your computer. This is best done on your laptop.

Download Google Web Fonts onto your computer

1) You can get the Lexend and Kalam fonts from the Google Web Fonts official website: https://fonts.google.com/ and search for the font you want to install in the search bar.

The word Lexend is circled to highlight where it is in the search bar of the website https://fonts.google.com/

Or you can go directly to the font on the website.

  • Lexend: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lexend
  • Kalam: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Kalam

2) Click the Get font button in the top left.

The button with the words Get font is circled to show where it is on the Lexend font page https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lexend

4) Select Download all.

The Download all button is circled to show where it is on the on the Lexend page https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lexend

5) You have now downloaded you font into a zipped folder which can be found in your downloads folder.

Installing your downloaded font 

To be able to use your font, you need to extract the downloaded Zip file.

1) Open your downloaded zipped file.

2) Double-click on the font file.

An example of what the downloaded font file looks like with wordingLexend-VariableFont_wght TrueType font file

3) When this file opens, click the Install button in the top right.

Part of the opened font file with the word Install circled to show where it is in the top left corner

4) Make sure you restart any applications you already had open to be able to start using your font.

Fonts for Windows computers can also be installed via C:\Windows\Fonts.

If you are using a macOS, use the Font Book application and go to File > Add Fonts to Current User... ⌘ O.