Find out which features have recently been released in our website
Downloading our new curriculum plans
Downloading whole units
You can now save yourself time by downloading all lessons in a new unit sequence to use now or come back to later.
You'll see a Download unit button on any unit page of our teaching resources:
You'll be asked a few questions about what you use our resources for and then you'll be able to log in to download whole units of resources.
For more information read our help article about downloading full units.
Logging in will also give you access to Aila, our AI lesson assistant. See the heading AI Experiments below.
Add teacher notes and share
Sharing teaching resources with your colleagues just got easier. You can now share our lesson resources with your own personalised comments, in one place.
Click 'Add teacher note and share' and add a note that will be displayed when the copied link is opened.
For example, you could add:
- Instructions for the lesson to send to a cover teacher.
- Tips for your colleagues who are planning similar lessons.
- Lesson reflections for those supporting your development.
Downloading our new curriculum plans
You can now download our fully resourced interactive curriculum plans to check the full curriculum sequences for:
- primary and secondary English
- primary and secondary maths
- primary and secondary history
- Primary and secondary science
- primary geography
- secondary music.
You can also see threads for each subject, showing themes we build across different units and key stages.
We've recently announced our new curriculum partners for even more subjects and we've worked with them, our expert groups and hundreds of teachers to produce new downloadable curriculum plans for:
- primary and secondary art and design
- secondary citizenship
- primary and secondary computing
- primary and KS3 cooking and nutrition
- primary and secondary design and technology
- KS2 and secondary French
- secondary geography
- secondary German
- primary music
- primary and secondary physical education (PE)
- primary and secondary religious education (RE)
- KS2 and secondary Spanish
Curriculum plan explainers
We've recently added curriculum explainers to all of our curriculum plans to help you understand our thinking behind them when we were making them with our curriculum partners.
They include the overarching curriculum and subject principles, how it reflects the national curriculum, information on delivery such as how much curriculum time they cover and how we use threads to provide curriculum coherence.
Sharing activities with your pupils
You can now share a starter quiz, worksheet, video and exit quiz from any lesson with your pupils. This feature is found at the top of any lesson page in our teacher area.
You can share activities by copying a link or sharing the link through Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams and by email.